I have both a compound and recurve bow and would like to buy a servicing material that i can use for both.
i use the same arrow for both so the nock size is the same. I am using standard easton 400 st arrows.
I am very new to the achery furturnity, would like to make good choices by asking alot of stupid qeustions.
I asume that centre service is the arrow receiving serving and the end serviing is all the other serving. This would include the end servigs on the ends of recurve strings, and the servings on the cams etc.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
The size of your center serving depends on the size of your string. So if the nocks are to tight you decrease the serving size. Today people are using very small serving on compound bows around the cams .007. Center serving .019 or .021 is a good start. You can use the same serving for all parts.
Halo is a long wearing serving so it is expensive, there are cheaper but they don't last as long